Frequently Asked Questions

You can search for material many ways on our Browse The Archive page: by location, date, general timeframe, primary subject, keyword and several other categories. We've also created a number of Featured Programmes that showcase some of the groundbreaking projects we've worked on. 

The Development Workshop Digital Archives respects our users and their private information. The information you provide to this website is not sold, bartered or given away to third party organizations for the purpose of contacting you. We only collect information given voluntarily to us. Aggregated website user stats we collect do not include personal identifying information. Your information is protected in a secure manner, in compliance with Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. You can contact us to delete your personal information from our system. We will take reasonable precautions when storing or destroying personal information in electronic or paper format. If you have questions please email

Unless otherwise stated, all the material is licensed using Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial. This means you may not use the material for commercial purposes. If used for non-commercial purpose, you are free to share (copy and redistribute) the material in any medium or format and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon) the material. In return you must provide a link to the license, indicate if changes were made and also give credit to Development Workshop Digital Archives and link where possible to as the source of the content. Find out more at

Please use the Contact form located on the About menu.

Google Translate enables you to upload PDFs directly for translation at

The materials are physically located in DW's offices in Guelph, Canada (DWC), Luanda, Angola (DWA) and Lauzrete, France (DWF).